Take a Walk on the Wild Side

We hope you enjoy viewing our previous litters. Please click on each picture to enlarge the image

Taryn's Litter
To Be Updated
We hope to be updating this gallery shortly. In the meantime please scroll down to see our previous litters


Wild Dreamweaver,Wild Melody Maker & Wild Live Wire

Nouma ,Logan & Foxy

Mum,Dad and Foxy

Wild Dreamweaver,Wild Melody Maker & Wild Live Wire
Vixen & Woluf
The Winter Litter
19th December saw the arrival of Vixen's first litter.4 stunning puppies,2 beautiful white girls 2 stunning boys a white and a charcoal grey.
Taryn & Maverick
The Freyeesha Litter
Late evening 29th October 2013 Taryn began giving birth which ended in the early hours of 30th October resulting in 6 perfect babies 2 girls and 4 boys
Taryn & Maverick
The Rose Litter
On 11th October 2012 Taryn gave birth to 3 perfect puppies.
Wild Live Wire our green collared boy
Wild Melody Maker our white collared girl
Wild Dreamweaver our pink collared girl

Wild Sptember's Song aka Sasha

Wild Feast of Avalon aka Reuben

Taryn & Spider
The Autumn Litter
26th September 2011 saw the birth of Taryn's first litter.4 girls and 5 boys.
Welcome to the world little ones