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Hopefully this year will prove to be an exciting time for us as we will be breeding in partnership with Miyax Northern Inuit Dogs     

Between us we have some stunning litters planned.Updates to follow

October The puppies are here !! Taryn gave birth to 6 beautiful babies on 30th October 4 boys and 2 girls  
September Taryn has been scanned and is expecting a litter due around 30th October.

August The Morpeth Show took place this month with Wild Quicksilver Lady (Star) gaining another 1st place in female Special Yearling and also another Best in Show.Comments from the judge "Good all round stunning movement,lovely bitch,one to watch in the future" Here at home we have had a mating take place between Maverick and Taryn.

June Dogs Unleashed at Bakewell saw a great turnout despite Sunday being wet and windy.We had more rosettes for two of the Wild pups.Congratulations to Jessica Bateman who showed her girl Wild Fallons Flame (Fallon)  the very first time in the ring and got a 3rd place rosette in Special Yearling and then went on to also get a 3rd place,showing Wild Mercury's Messenger (Lemmy) again for the very first time in Speyed and Neutered.Well Done Jess, Fallon and Lemmy.

April  The first show of the year was held at Newark Showground and proved to be a great success. Even the sun put in an appearance. In the show ring both Star and Jinx moved into the Special Yearling Class and were placed first and second with Star getting another Reserve Best in Show

February The AGM took place which brought more good news for us. The yearly awards were given out with Star being awarded both Puppy of the Year and also Members Puppy. She now has two silver stars taking her even closer to achieving Championship Status

2012 An Overview

2012 was a very busy year for us. We welcomed a new member to our pack with the addition of our new girl Mahlek into the Wild aka Vixen.

Two of the Wild pups ventured into the ring for the first time at Huntingdon and did fantastically well. Wild Quicksilver Lady (Star) and Wild Autumn Mist (Jinx) placed highly in their classes,Star also won Members Best Puppy in Show. Peterborough came next on the calendar and saw Star and Jinx coming first and second in Puppy Class. Star went on to win Members Best Puppy and Best Puppy in Show.The show season continued with both Star and Jinx yet again doing exceedingly well with more first and second placings.

Maverick passed the last of his health checks with a clear eye test result and sired a beautiful Lukoi litter.

September came and we wished a Very Happy Birthday to our pups and had Taryn's pregnancy confirmed with Taryn and Maverick puppies born in October.


© 2013 by Kerry Wild. All rights reserved

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